Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Virgin Suicides pg 61

" As he did, however, the ghost turned, and he saw that it was only Bonnie, wrapped in a bedsheet. "Dont worry," she said, quietly. "They took the fence out."

I feel that the way he described her and the way he thought of her as a ghost was foreshadowing what she will become. I think it showed that she will kill herself and become a ghost just like Cecilia did. I also think it characterizes Bonnie because she is described as being wrapped in a bedsheet. When I heard that I thought of a kid dressed up for halloween in a white sheet. I think that shows how immature they all are because they dont seem to be morning over this death at all, or they are all doing it in a weird way. Overall I think that these lines have a very strong meaning behind them because they show the foreshadowing that Bonnie will eventually kill herslef, maybe not in the same fashion as Cecilia, but she will die and become a ghost.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Virgin suicides pg 39

"Only the family filed past the coffin. First the girls walked past, each dazed and expressionless, and, later, people said we should have known by their faces. It was like they were giving her a wink." pg 39

The author uses alliteration in the first sentence to connect the family to the coffin. He could have used the word but instead he used file to connect them to a different type of movement past the coffin. The diction in this sounds very insightful and he seems to know everything about them. It gives you a better understanding of what is happening and you actually feel like you were there. It is very bluntly foreshadowing that the other girls will die within the corse of this story.