Friday, September 19, 2008

The Wind up Bird and Tuesday's women part 2

" Once a day the wind-up bird has to come and wind the springs of this world. Alone in this fun house, only I grow old, a pale softball of death swelling inside me. yet even as I sleep somewhere between Saturn and Uranus, wind-up birds everywhere are busy at work fulfilling their appointed rounds."

I believe that this one paragraph sums up the man's life. Throughout the story, this "wind-up bird" has been coming in and out right on its schedule because it is a kuku clock. The author using this as a symbol for human life. People go about their life like they can't do anything else but their job. They continue on the path that they have always had and don't like to change it. People are just waiting for the day they die. Many people go through life alone and have nothing better to do with their life. I also feel that this was showing the characters real feelings into his own life. The whole time he talked about how he doesn't have this job because he quit and how he is fine with that, but the sentence about alone in this fun house and growing old alone all represent how he truly feels. He feels as though he is all alone in this house to go roam and there is nothing better that he could do with his life. The diction in this paragraph is much different then in the rest of the story. It is full of metaphors that represent how he truly feels. The rest of the diction is normally just short to the point sentences, but this is intended to have a meaning behind it. The tone of this paragraph is very dark and heavy with a lot of emotion in it, compared to the rest of the story which is all very light and care free. He doesn't really care what he does, but in this paragraph it is as if he is reflecting on his own life and coming to a realization about it. He also feels like he doesn't belong. We can tell this by his comparison with Saturn and Uranus. He is making a comparison to space because that can also be compared to aliens. In the end, he is alone and has nothing really to live for. He will do the same old thing everyday, and everyone he cares about is upset with him. His life is going no where just like the wind-up birds.