Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dracula Pg 185

"And you are right. There will be pain for us all;but it will not be all pain, not will this pain be the last. We and you too- you most of all, my dear boy-will have to pass through the bitter water before we reach the sweet. But we must be brave of heart and unselfish, and do our duty, and all will be well!"

In this the author uses contradiction going back and forth between how much pain this will cause. It confuses the reader into not know what to truly think about the situation. Also he uses repetition of the word pain to emphasize how all these men are feeling about what they have just done (killing Lucy's undead body.) The syntax of this paragraph breaks everything up. It makes you stop in awkward places so that you can analyze and understand what he is truly trying to tell you. Also he uses a metaphor. water can't be bitter, but he is using it to say that you have to go through the bad times before you can get to the good times. Also using this diction such as bitter and sweet gives two opposites which can represent good and evil; what they are up against.