Friday, October 24, 2008

On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning

"Once upon a time, there lived a boy and a girl. The boy was eighteen and the girl sixteen. He was not unusually handsome, and she was not especially beauitful. They were just an ordinary lonely boy and an ordinary lonely girl, like all the others. But they believed with their whole hearts that somewhere in the world there lived the 100% perfect boy and the 100% perfect girl for them. Yes, they believed in a miracle. And that miracle actually happened." ( page 70)

The first thing I noticed was that it started off with the "Once Upon A Time." This is a tactic used by an author to set a happy fairytale tone to the story. I also felt that since this was set up to be like a fairytale, the author used very simple syntax and diction. Everything was so simple, because many times fairytales are meant for children, so the tone and set up was set up for a child to read the story. He did describe many things, but repeated the same adjectives over and over. This repetition was trying to get the point across that they were ordinary people who were lonely. Later on we find out that they stay lonely. It also uses repetition by repeating the 100% perfect. The author is trying to point out that this is the perfect match. It corresponds with the miracle part because these types of things only happen once in a life time. The last thing that he used was parallelism. When talking about the boy and girl, the author uses the same adjectives in the same order to describe them. This shows us that they are identical to each other, once more enhancing the fact that they are 100% right for each other.

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