Friday, October 10, 2008

The Kangaroo Communigue

" Maybe that strikes you as odd. You ask yourself why should looking at kangaroos make me want to send you a letter? And just what is the connection between these kangaroos and me? Well, you can stop thinking those thoughts right now. Makes no nevermind. Kangaroos are kangaroos, you are you."I found this passage extremely confusing. The diction is very simple, yet it doesnt make sense. "Makes no nevermind. Kangaroos are kangaroos, you are you." This makes no sense, yet the diction itself is very simple. I also found the tone of this to be very mysetrious. He keep on asking you questions, to make you think. The author wanted you to get involved in the text, so that you could read through it. I feel that by asking questions, the author was able to get the reader involved in the text. I dont really know what he wanted us to get out of the kangaroos, but it got me interested in the text. This one paragraph sets you up for what you will soon find out in the coming story.